Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pronunciation e-resources These are some links to websites and blogs that are a little beyond the tried and true - a bit quirky if you will:
 Handily answers the "Why teach pronunciation?" question and gives tips and pointers on how to go about this. Dynamite blog and comments about teaching beyond "listen and repeat". Some excellent tips - also entertaining reading .(?My friends will say "Claudie, get a life! - but truly I am entertained by blogs and I love the power of 
the internet to connect me to colleagues everywhere  Kenneth Beare - good overview of stress patterns is a good resource and Kenneth Beare is a good Guide. Like all online resources - need to read with a critical eye... (He also wrote a good guide to intonation patterns) Busy Teacher is pretty commercial - but there are some free resources for teachers. The above is quite quirky - some songs - again, a little out of the ordinary A FAVOURITE because it is so interesting and makes us realise that there is no standard English...the best we can do is learn the basic sound system of English for intelligibility and then get used to the many ways it is spoken!


  1. Thanks so much for writing this post for the ELT Blog Carnival

    1. My pleasure! Looking forward to exploring the posts. Thanks for the opportunity. Claudieg #thespreadingoak
